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Stuffed Up Sinuses This Season?

Even though we are supposed to have six more weeks of winter the weather is warming up in Texas. Which means allergens like cedar, ragweed, and other pollens are already floating through the air this February. What can you do to keep you and your sinuses healthy?

Essential oils are a great start, here are some different ways to use commonly found essential oils to help keep your system healthy, happy, and breathing easy.

1. Eucalyptus Steam Treatment: For seasonal rhinitis from grass, trees, weeds a eucalyptus steam will do the trick. Fill a large bowl with steaming hot water and add one drop of eucalyptus oil to the bowl, lean over the bowl with a large towel draped over your head about 8-10 above the bowl. Breathing in the steam for a few minutes with eyes closed will open up your nasal passages and respiratory system quickly and effectively.

2. Breath Easy Sleep Well Essential Oil Application: Clogged sinuses can lead to difficulty breathing and difficulty sleeping to help ease into sleep try applying lavender as follows. Place a drop of lavender oil on your finger and dot it onto your cheek bone by your nose on both sides, in the center of your forehead between the brows. Then apply two drops to the bottom of each sole of the feet in the arch of the foot and cover with warm cotton socks. Finally apply one drop to the wrist and blend the wrists together rubbing in the oil gently.

3. Itchy Skin Remedy Oil Blend: When allergies come with itchiness the irritation can cause patches of dryness and inflammation from scratching the areas to relief the itchiness. Trying this natural blend can help relieve itchiness and revive the skin from dryness. Blend one tablespoon borage oil (which is good for skin inflammation with six teaspoons of grape seed oil as your base. Add to the base mixture eight drops of lavender to help cool warm skin, three drops of geranium to improve elasticity of skin, three drops of tea tree oil for antiseptic and anti-infectious properties. Blend well and let sit for three days before using apply as needed.

4. Calm and Cool Face Moisturizing Cream: With lots of nose blowing, and itchiness the skin on the face can become dry and irritated quickly in allergy season, use this calm and cool face cream to protect the skin on the face especially by the nose. Using two table spoons of gentle unscented face cream add three drops of lavender oil, one drop of peppermint oil, and one drop of franckincense oil. Mix the cream well, apply in the morning taking care to avoid the eye area to moisturize and protect the skin throughout the day.

If you still struggle with allergies talk to your chiropractor or naturopath about what nutritional changes can be made to support your body, and to find out if a sinus massage would be beneficial to you with your specific allergy symptoms. There are many natural supplements available to assist and support you in allergy season, feel free to ask us questions about what natural health care can do for you this allergy season.

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